The City of Learning is Powered by Partnership

Out of School program providers, teaching artists, program sites, businesses, school districts, colleges/universities and community supporters come together to collect and create the data, programs and experiences that make the City of Learning available for tens of thousands of learners.

Current Partners - Log In to DCoL profileInterested in becoming a partner?

Partner Toolkit 

What do program providers get when participating in the City of Learning Initiative?

Get Data

Participating in The City of Learning provides partners access to data and assessment tools that can help program providers make strategic decisions to best serve youth in our communities. Using an online platform created with out of school time providers in mind, Big Thought Institute and SMU’s Center on Research and Evaluation create processes, tools, and systems that support innovations of learning everywhere, creating a true City of Learning with the help of partners.

Get In Front of Learners

The City of Learning platform is used by a diverse group of learners and their families from zip codes across North Texas. More than 75,000 youth annually access the platform giving your organization the ability to reach a broad audience.

Get Connected

City of Learning partners have opportunities to share their expertise while building supportive connections with a network of hundreds of program providers who share a common vision to improve access and dosage to high quality learning experiences for all youth.  A teaching community that is also a community of learners exploring how to improve educational outcomes for youth.

Get Better

City of Learning partners have access to the DCoL online platform and other support resources to help improve program design and delivery, including professional development opportunities, and specialized cohorts and pilot programs with focus on innovative and forward-looking concepts in out of school learning. Examples include, The Creator Archetype, Learning Pathways, and how micro credentialing/digital badging is impacting the 21st century learner.



Our partners give their time, dedication and talents to learners everywhere, it makes sense that they should get access to actionable data and training for out of school program providers.

Dallas Needs You

Join 800+ DFW organizations by listing your programs and activities for youth here with Dallas City of Learning!

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