Talking Race and Kids | Online Conversation


Lights, cameras, representation! Raising racially just kids in today's media environment. November 11, 2020 @ 8:30 pm ET Join us for a conversation about how movies and television shape children's ideas about race and ethnicity, what healthy racial content on big and small screens looks/sounds like nowadays, what we can do to encourage the development of more high-quality […]


Dallas Area Cultural Arts Coalition


"ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION" BROWN BAG (Virtual) Date: November 13, Friday Time: 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Topic: KERA representatives will be with us to discuss how they have planned and executed virtual events addressing best practices. Anne Bothwell, Vice President Arts, will give an overview of what they have been doing at KERA; Dane Walters, Director […]


Key Priorities for Evidence-Based SEL Practices


As interest in social and emotional learning (SEL) grows, so does the commitment from educators nationwide to advancing high-quality implementation. To encourage practices in schools, communities, districts, and states, CASELpresents the Mary Utne O’Brien Award for Excellence in Expanding the Evidence-based Practice of SEL to practitioners that are leading SEL efforts to enhance the social […]


OST in Texas: A State of the State

This past year has proven the importance of out of school time (OST) for our youth and our communities—OST is not not a luxury for some; it is a vital component of where we live and how we raise our children. Every kid in Texas deserves the opportunity to participate in high-quality afterschool, summer, and […]

Summer Bootcamp: Get Ready for Summer Series!

Save the dates for NSLA’s Summer Bootcamp: Get Ready for Summer Series for program leaders and their teams, March 1-5, 2021. NSLA won’t let COVID-19 steal the joy of summer learning and it starts with leaders like you. Program leaders and their teams are at the heart of high-quality summer learning experiences for kids across […]

Voices of Summer: $122 Billion for Education in American Rescue Plan: What it means for OST programs


Congress recently passed, and the President signed into law American Rescue Plan, which provides $2 trillion in emergency stimulus funding to address the immediate financial needs of families, businesses, and the education system amidst the economic fallout from COVID-19. Specifically, there will be $8.45 billion available at the state level for afterschool and summer programs […]

Voices of Summer: Fine Tune Your Engine for High Impact Summer Operations

Join National Summer Leadership Association Voices of Summer Webinar Series: Fine Tune Your Engine for High Impact Summer Operations. Hear BellXcel and the Lancaster Partnership for Learning Equity to learn strategies to gear up for your summer programs and fine-tune your engine for high-impact operations. In this virtual tune-up, you will hear how dedicated leaders […]

Cultural Crossroads: Exploring the important intersection of summer program training & design with the critical need to address race, equity, and inclusion

Join National Summer Leadership Association Voices of Summer Webinar Series: Cultural Crossroads: Exploring the important intersection of summer program training & design with the critical need to address race, equity, and inclusion Summer and extended learning programs play an important role in providing a safe space for student learning and exploration, especially for BIPOC students. […]