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TBK Bank Scholars Program 2024
February 1, 2024 - April 1, 2024

The TBK Scholars Program awards a $1,000 scholarship for fifteen high school seniors on track to graduate in the Spring 2024, who qualify as low to moderate income, in keeping with standards set forth by the Community Reinvestment Act and live in a state and county where TBK Bank has a branch (locally, Dallas County). Applications are being accepted now through the close of business on Monday, April 1, 2024. For eligibility requirements and complete entry details visit their website:
*Program applicants do not need to be registered account holders with TBK Bank, SSB.
* Employees, officers, and directors of Triumph Financial and their affiliates, subsidiaries, agencies, and respective immediate families (spouse, children, parents, siblings, step-family members, and in-laws) are not eligible to apply for the TBK Scholars scholarship.
* Reminder: Applicants must live in a state and county where TBK Bank has a branch to be eligible for the scholarship; Complete list available at TBK Bank Scholars – TBK Bank.