Interview Game-Changers
Interview Game-Changers

1 learners earned this badge

Interview Game-Changers is a great opportunity for students to build interpersonal and communication skills by learning appropriate interviewing techniques and creating concrete narratives. Through scheduled sessions with a group of older adult learners, the students will conduct virtual interviews and learn from the questions they ask how to develop an effective narrative that can be interpreted through dance. The students will challenge themselves to ask open-ended questions, be patient, express empathy, and be prepared to ask additional questions based on new information shared. Students must share excerpts from their journals detailing their interviews along with sharing parts of their storyboard.


Bishop Arts Theatre Center

Evidence: Text

Badge Type: skill

Expected Duration: 3 months


  1. [required] Student must be able to share excerpts from their journaling detailing the interview.

Earn by participating in:


Interview Game-Changers will help students develop new skills for becoming an effective interviewer.

Dancing Into the Past Project

Interview Game-Changers will help students develop new skills for becoming an effective interviewer.

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Interview Game-Changers will help students develop new skills for becoming an effective interviewer.

2021 Summer Theatre & Cultural Enrichment STEAM Camp

Interview Game-Changers will help students develop new skills for becoming an effective interviewer.

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Interview Game-Changers will help students develop new skills for becoming an effective interviewer.

BATC STEM Girls Who Code Evening Camp

Interview Game-Changers will help students develop new skills for becoming an effective interviewer.

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