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SEL Strategies To Prepare For A New Normal

Momentous Institute

Learn strategies and tools from experts in education and mental health that will support social emotional learning from a distance or in the classroom and offer insight into anticipated, challenging student behaviors.


Presented By:

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Daniel Knoll, M.Ed.

Daniel joined Momentous Institute in July 2017. His previous experience includes extensive involvement with students and families in South Dallas, including service with Teach for America. Daniel received a bachelor’s degree in international relations from American University and a master’s degree in school leadership from Southern Methodist University.




Tina R

Tina Robertson, LCSW

Tina is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and joined Momentous Institute in January 2016. Her previous experience includes 20 years of work in the mental health field through various direct practice, community outreach and organizational leadership roles. She received her bachelor’s degree in English/Political Science from Jarvis Christian College and her master’s degree in social work from University of Texas-Arlington.




Rhonda V

Rhonda Vincent, Ph.D

Rhonda Vincent joined Momentous Institute in December 2013. Her previous experience includes over 25 years of work in education. Along with a Bachelor of Science, Rhonda earned elementary and early childhood teaching certificates from the University of Texas Permian Basin. She received a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction from New Mexico State University and a Ph.D. in Child Development from Texas Woman’s University.

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