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Key Priorities for Evidence-Based SEL Practices

As interest in social and emotional learning (SEL) grows, so does the commitment from educators nationwide to advancing high-quality implementation. To encourage practices in schools, communities, districts, and states, CASELpresents the Mary Utne O’Brien Award for Excellence in Expanding the Evidence-based Practice of SEL to practitioners that are leading SEL efforts to enhance the social and emotional wellness of young people.

Join us to learn from the 2020 award recipients who are providing the vision and strategies for SEL: Dr. Sheldon Berman, Superintendent of the Andover Public Schools and Byron Sanders, President and CEO of Big Thought.

The award recipients will be sharing more about how they advanced SEL in their communities, with a focus on:
• Adult SEL for successful, systemic implementation of SEL, including how teachers can build capacity and how administrators can create the necessary support structures
• Systems of SEL to embedded SEL in the school day and afterschool, including expanding trauma-to-healing practices in juvenile justice.

Learn more about the CASEL Awards at

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